Before booking a demo, make sure it will meet your requirements

Cleed.ai is a conversational and personalised assistant for ecommerce and corporate sites, incorporating Generative AI, in a SaaS solution. This digital advisor, more effective than a human and available 24/7, offers a unique customer experience and boosts your conversion while reducing your customer service costs!
A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).
A la carte multi-applications approach, making it the most comprehensive tool on the market (AI Live Chat, AI Product Advice, Decision Tree, Gift Finder, WhatsApp Business-style Omnichannel, In-Store Salesperson Video Calls, Fashion Sizing Reco, etc.).

No developement on your side. Simply a line of code to add.
We train our models based on your website data.
The process can take from 2h to 2 weeks of specific developments on our side, depending on the level of UX personalisation within the Apps chosen.
Just plan a few review calls, and after your validation on a pre-prod link to test, it's live !

Our Generative AI systems are GDPR and CCPA compliant. Our cloud services are ISO 27001 certified. Your data won't be used to train or improve the AI model. All the data we manage is kept in Europe.

Volumes of usage and conversion metrics, global and per discussion.
Most used terms. Follow-up of discussions not finding the perfect answer, to bring continuous improvement (customer service advisory).
An analysis of the correlation between your tickets decrease to manage and our increase in managed requests (at a much lower cost, notably thanks to automation but also externalisation of customer service management).

Yes. Regular review sessions of the KPIs and improvement axis are included.
Availability 7/7 to answer all your requests.
Up to advisory in UX optimisations of your website.